HSN "coupons" are a joke
I have only been able to redeem a “coupon” twice ever. Just tried today on some Sporto boots and it was not valid toward my purchase, so once again, I did not buy. Decided to purchase from another retailer instead since it ended up being a better deal with their online coupon that applied to my purchase.
I replied in another coupon thread that it drives me crazy when I get a 24hr coupon – I NEVER see it in my email in time to use it. I got a 20% off coupon yesterday – Saturday – lovely! Except, I was out all day and didn’t check my email until this morning – which when I clicked on the email it looked like it was still valid – usually it says ‘You missed it’ when it’s too late. I thought great I actually made this one in time, went straight to Marla’s items, put a second cardigan that I LOVE in my basket (I’d just received one this week and it is fab) went to check out and the coupon wasn’t valid anymore. Went to the very bottom of the email and read the fine print – it finished at midnight last night. BUM!!!!!! So tired of missing it. Why can’t it be a weekend coupon???? Friday thru Sunday night – that makes more sense to me.
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Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
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11.20.16 2:27 PM
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