Extended Delivery
I never really paid attention to items that are Extended Delivery. This summer I have had several Extended Delivery orders that were delayed a few days prior to a charge or ship notice. I just received an item that took 33 days. Wow! The order was so old,14 July, that it no longer appeared in my Order Status! Luckily this is not a seasonal item!
I have 4 items on extended delivery just from the last month, the oldest is from 1/3/17. This seems to be a growing trend with HSN and I hope is not a new way to oversell items that are not really available. For the most part HSN has been reliable with shipping items out in time but the fact that I have this many items on extended delivery does cause me to question current business practices.
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Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
2 Replies
01.21.17 3:35 PM
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