A suggestion for hosts
Hey there. So, I was just watching a presentation on another show (not HSN) and they were advertising a volumizing product for people who need volume and body to their hair. So, the host made a comment – “And I’m sure you’ve never had a client come to you and say I wish my hair were thinner…”
That may seem like a legitimate statement were it not for the fact that there are those of us who do have very thick, coarse hair with tons of volume, who have to fight with our hair daily to tame it and get it under control and actually do envy people with softer, thinner hair who can just wash and go. The struggle is very real, I kid you not.
So, my suggestion by explaining that is, when promoting a product that it obviously targeted towards a particular group of people, be careful not to make statements that could potentially isolate the other consumers. The host that said this obviously didn’t think that thought through before she said it.
, good point. Did you let the offending program and/or company know of your concern as well?
Rec’d mine today….Just going by the HSN weight, I’d say over 15 pounds, the machine is heavy, which I’m hoping is a good thing, I just had a few dies, 1 paper kit from AG so in total should have been around 20-25#. The box was HEAVY!
can i ask what the weight was on your package thanks so much
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Posted in HSN TV
4 Replies
07.14.16 11:34 PM
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