Please tell Robin Wall how to pronounce bullion
On the Coin Collector program….
It’s driving me crazy when Robin pronounces silver and gold products as “bool-yon” like the broth spelled bouillon. It’s pronounced “bull-yen” for the word bullion regarding numismatic products.
Thanks, I feel better already.
It’s interesting to see such beauty and hatred all in the same post. The wonderful Ms. Robin brings refreshing color and humor to HSN broadcasts (who needs the same ole matter of fact salesmanship nonsense). How many show hosts can actually laugh at themselves and make the audience laugh along too . . . Folks either get that, or there’s always the other 22 hours left in a day to watch the alternative!!!
tomato, tomahto
DysonJohn had a good point below about credibility in a particular hobby, or sport. I got to thinking about the fishing industry where fishing RODS are really called “rods” not poles. At least in certain parts of the country.
I worked in the fishing industry for over 30 years. The poles that we in the industry call poles are the Tom Sawyer type of poles!
Good point DysonJohn!
No matter how those words are spelled or pronounced, I always know what’s being written or spoken about.
Glad you feel better, lol.
Welcome to the Community. : )
On top of that I did not know coins had bullion
Welcome to HSN community.
? oooooooorrr, as some say on long island, “da ya wa da-may-da an mutz on ya pie?” translation: do you want tomatoe and mozzarella on your pizza?” :cattongue:
? ooooohhhhh i am supposed to eat it…(drink it).!! i thought i was supposed to apply the bull-yen to my face (and sit quietly reading posts that diss me) in order to get the skin-taunt-en-ing benefits. thank you, my leo friend. now… go out there and defend me against those bullies.:catwink: ROAR!:heart:
Welcome ?! I would be bothered too, if I knew anything about coins. I have only heard of the broth spelled b-o-u-l-l-i-o-n.
? wooooooww! good one. at first i thought you were trying to hurt my feelings with your comment. then when i saw that you spelled “pronounce” wrong by speiing it “proounce”, and that you made two sentences out of one, i realized that you are just being funny. good one. :heart:
I think if I were going to complain in regard as to how someone pronounced a word I would look up the correct spelling of the word I was comparing it to…I and anyone else may pronounce a word different due to where they grew up.Many different variations from different parts of the country..I often wonder when people have such minor things to complain about why they can’t find something else to focus on and leave people alone.
Perhaps if you spent less time worrying about how others proounce things. you would make fewer spelling errors.
Could be one of those…depends what part of the country you come from…you know…toe may toe OR toe mah toe???
But Nikkitty I do agree with you on the taut and taunt.
LOL, you are kidding right?
Ummmm………all I can say is, Who give’s a rat’s rear? Or a mouse’s rear since that’s my big problem! Maybe they didn’t train Robin in coins??? Don’t blame her as I find them boring. Welcome anyways, “New Friend.”
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN TV
19 Replies
08.21.16 2:41 PM
0 Participants