What’s the tallest tale your dad ever told?
What’s the tallest tale your dad ever told? Add your story and tune for the The Monday Night Show June 6 to see if your story gets shared on air or picked to win a $25 gift card to HSN!
Congratulations to the 6/6/16 winner, !
We asked: What’s the tallest tale your dad ever told?
You answered:The tale my Dad told me is one I mentioned a week or so back on another thread. I was always the smallest shortest girl in my class. I went crying to my Dad. He said “Turn around, let me take a look at you”. I did as he said, but, didn’t know why he asked me that. After I turned all the way around, he said”You’re tall enough”. I asked “how do you know that?” He said “because your legs reach all the way up to my butt”. Thus, confirming to my young mind…I, indeed, was tall enough. I never complained after that. Being petite turned out to be a great advantage. I was successful in competitive sports for 13 years as a gymnast. Just as my Dad said I was tall enough!
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We had a cottage the whole family would go to on weekends. I spent all day cooking but my dad always did the BBQ. After every meal all the grandkids would tell him what a fabulous cook he was. He always took the ackalades and then looked at me with that special grin and twinkle in his eye. I never said a word, letting the grandkids believe grandpa was the hero. My dad was a hero to me and I miss him so much. But it’s memories like this that keep him alive in my heart. I doubt my father ever really told a lie – but he was very good at letting people think things that weren’t exactly true – if it happened to favor him. The memories bring out the tears but they also remind me that I had the best dad in the whole world :heart:
When my Dad was teaching how to drive. First, he explained the gears, and in doing so he told me that R was for “race”.
I never like returning things to stores. My Dad would always offer to do it, telling me he once returned a shirt that was still in the original box, but so old, it crumbled when they took it out to examine it.
So my Dad told my nephews that he knew Mr T back during the day when he was very popular. One Christmas he promised that Mr T would stop by to say hello! Since they lived overseas and were in the States for only a brief holiday visit, sure enough Mr T knocked at the front door on Christmas morning with a big red bag of gifts flung over his shoulder! He said things like “pity the fool” and had incredible muscles and a huge mohawk! The nephews hung on every word and even played all day with all the A-Team gear he brought them. Dad finally told them 10 years later that it was fake Mr T who was the son of someone he worked with and that he paid him $100 to come over and impersonate Me T …pity the Fool!
My Dad is so kind and loving, when our Family Pet Cocoa got sick when we were just small kids, in grade school, my dad told us that Cocoa ran away while we were at school, he didn’t have the heart to tell us what had really happened, and even today as adults, he sticks by his story as to not hurt us, meantime, Mom has told us the real story, Cocoa was sick and my Dad had to make the tough decision not to allow him to suffer! We all will never let Dad know we know the real truth, as I am sure that what he had to do was hard enough! Thats our Dad, always thinking of others and still protecting us, even now as adults! Love my Dad!
My Dad had many moles on his back. When we we children, he told us that he was a toad and my Mother kissed him and turned him into a man. These moles never went away and were to remind him of his toad roots.
Hi! Ladies!
What was the tallest tale my Dad ever told???
My Dad was the most honest person…..he never told a lie…that scared my little brother and me as children but knew we could ALWAYS beilieve him….It was our Mom who always tried to trick us…..LOL….thanks for the memories….Agi
Hi Adam! My dad used to tell me if I kept making that face it would stay that way. Not nice lol!!
My Dad was the greatest man I’ve ever know. WE USed to watch Indy car race together and one day he asked if I knew who he really was and I said yes, my Dad and he said yes but he was also Mario Andretti and the races were pre-recorded so he could watch them with me! LOL. I still love Mario Andretti!
littlebowpeep my dad told me that the little balls in tapico pudding were snake eyes and i believed him! then a couple years later i was old enough to realize that was a tall tale finally i could eat tapico pudding again!
My Dad told us that when he was in India (during the war) a tiger came at him. My Dad stood his ground and when the tiger opened his mouth to roar, my Dad reached down his throat, grabbed the tiger’s tail and turned it inside out!
My Dad told us that he was out hunting and a bear started chasing him. He ran as fast as he could but the bear was still chasing him. He saw a train track, got onto the train track and the bear followed him. When he got to a switch on the track (to reroute a train), he pulled it and the bear went off to the side and my Dad was safe.
My dad told me that I had a rooster egg. The egg I had was just a shell and he told me it was a rooster egg. I said dad roosters do not lay egss he said yes they do and that is a rooster egg.
My dad told me brown cows gave chocolate milk and I believed him until I was in ninth grade!
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Posted in HSN TV
43 Replies
11.23.15 1:48 AM
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