Slinky ladies voice
Does anyone else think her voice is horrible??
Isn’t 5 1/2 years enough of these distasteful comments about the “Slinky Lady”? Time for this to be deleted, IMO.
Well, I see this worn out thread has been brought up again. I had never watched her on tv so this morning I decided to watch. I found her to be very pleasant, she gave great information on her product & as far as her voice it is her accent which we all have.
We all come from different areas all over the US and have different accents & different mannerisms. I worked in a position where I spoke on the phone with people all over the US as well as foreign. I figured right away this is a NJ/NY accent possibly Bronx/ Manhattan area. I found nothing at all offensive in this lady.
When I worked we had to listen to a recording of our voice to see how we sounded on air. My voice sounds like a small childs. As a matter of fact, sometimes people will call my home & ask if they may speak to my Dad & then I tell them I am an adult. Have you all ever listened to your voices??? You may be very surprised as I was when I listened to my voice.
After listening to her & how she presented her product I purchased Slinky products for the first time. I purchased 2 of her new faux fur vests & as I was checking out they were already selling out quickly. I only turned the tv on to hear this lady’s voice because for years now I have read this worn out thread complaining about this woman’s voice.
Can we let this thread go to the grave yard now as it is very old. Judge not lest ye be judged……
In my opinion she seemed a very lovely lady & we can’t help the voice we have been given, yes we can have speech classes but this is just an accent which believe it or not we all have one.
When you go to a restaurant and you don’t like your waiter or waitress voice are you going to get up and walk out even though it is your absolute favorite place to eat??? Just curious……..
The WORST brand rep ever on TV!!!!!!!! I won’t even wear my old slinky brand items anymore because they remind me of her and it makes my skin crawl! I gave them to my mom??
Well this thread was dug up!
I don’t think Jackie Schechter/Family Owner of Slinky Brand has a terrible voice. If I find at any of the HSN shows the host or their guest become too loud I just turn the volume down. The funny thing is I tried measuring my blood pressure while I had the volume on high and sure enough it would get my numbers high as oppose to when I turn it down hahaha.
We have to remember that Home Shopping Network is in the business to sell a product. So they hire hosts and have guests that may not necessarily have pleasant voices but know how to market their merchandise so that it makes us consumers want to buy with urgency lol.
There are several hosts that do not have the best voices. There’s a gentleman on HSN I believe his name is Guy and his voice is not pleasing to the ear so I just turn it down and most times he is selling products that I’m not interested in anyway. So I change shopping channels hehehe then come back when they have apparel, fashion jewelry that I love to shop for.
I feel blessed that we have the option to shop on tv and on-line. I no longer shop at the malls because the closest ones to us have merchandise made in China that either tear, shrink or are cut like you got part of your dress caught on a door and you’re walking around in it hehehe.
So lighten up and enjoy and don’t knit-pick about the petty things! 🙂
Strange, I’ve come to enjoy her voice. Sounds like she has a strong regional accent, and here in California you don’t hear that much. Each to his or her own, I guess.
She is pricelessly terrible. It is almost inspiring to me, if she can do it , I can do it, sort of, lol.
Yes Yes Yes…slinky lady would make a great aflac duck..she has the same annoying voice…
Both the Slinky lady and Stephanie Greenfield from Curations have nasally stident voices–Stephanie is way worse to me. Its almost bordering on loud, overbearing, and obnoxious. Watch closely and see the reactions of the models and hosts to her. Slinky lady is more tolerable to me. Whenever either of these 2 women are on is when I use the mute button..I do watch but I cannot stand their voices..Slinky lady is only the rep since she married into the family…
They both have very strong NY accents…I’m a born and bred NY’er myself. tobacco? #-o
Dennis Bass o and Pamela Dennis have unpleasant voices. I have to agree! But there are several that force me to hit the MUTE button….some of the female hosts have high-pitched screechy tones when they are trying to make a point….especially Connie Craig-Carroll.
She does stand out if nothing else. :-k
Dennis Bass o and Pamela Dennis have unpleasant voices.
omg, beyond words, it’s almost funny really.
Both the Slinky lady and Stephanie Greenfield from Curations have nasally stident voices–Stephanie is way worse to me. Its almost bordering on loud, overbearing, and obnoxious. Watch closely and see the reactions of the models and hosts to her. Slinky lady is more tolerable to me. Aflac is looking for someone to be the voice of their duck.
One of these ladies could possibly fit the bill.
Stephanie does sound like a female Gilbert Gottfried.:-#
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN TV
25 Replies
10.23.16 12:25 AM
0 Participants