My old nickname is back without my HSN history, rank or avatar as of a few minutes ago.
I think you all know that is not participating in the Community for now.
I @heygise427, am still having major issues with my ID and account (s).
I was told by Ryan that he had reinstated my Arcade points (shorted by 100,00 points) and my old nickname gise427 but I can’t use it let alone find it! I know it exists but I cannot access it or do anything with it.
I’m still @heygise427
I continue to be on flexpay probation being “new customer” @heygise427 so I cannot purchase anything on flexpay, I must pay the full price. Well that’s just plain NO FUN!
It’s been a trying time for both kemi and I.
I’m only speaking for myself now, but wanted to let you all know I’m frustrated and just plain tired of keeping up at the rate I was participating before.
I’m not disappearing, just need to focus more of my attention on issues at hand.
I will try to keep up with coupon sharing ‘tho without kemi it won’t be as dynamic.
I encourage you all to participate as it helps everyone to save, and thanks to for always being on top of it!
Hugs, gise
That’s really crazy…. I am sorry to hear of your issue..
I had no idea that Kemiqueen is not participating in the Community now??
Why she is one of the nicest people here… Has always been a big help to me with many issues….
So Hsn is not doing any favors with some things they do…
Shipping issues are still going on with many,me inclued past orders…
Have been with hsn for way over 20yrs.
Very disappointed with many things going on here…
What a shame!!!
Flexpay probation? Whatever for? I thought new customers could use flexpay too. Sorry Kemi isn’t in the community. Thanks for the info!
WOW, I cannot never lose 100,000 points! In all my years here , I have only 45,000 points never used them except did donate 5.000 one time . I only do the spin to win though .
So , I am of no value to the communnity.
I am sorry about how things are going with your account, hopefully you will get @gise427 back.
, I see that the troubles haven’t been resolved and I apologize. I answered your other post on the subject that I sent you a PM to review all the issues. I’ll be happy to get this corrected.
Sorry for what you’re going through.:heart:
No. I did not know Kemi is not participating on the forum.
I hope Kemi is okay and comes back soon. :heart:
Conversation Info
Posted in Clearance, Special & Coupons
6 Replies
01.05.17 7:31 PM
0 Participants