Slow Shipping is RIDICULOUS
Place order last week Monday-14th , check status today-Monday 20th, Order is still in packaging . This slow shipping is RIDICULOUS !!!
HSN is too large a company for this . I buy online all the time, I know a week after buying you should have your purchase , used and went back online to buy more :smileylol:
I know one of the mods ( they are all very nice .. this is not an insult ) will probably post – your purchases are in packaging and most likely will del;iver within the 3-7 BUSINESS day window .
I am saying as a big time online shopper your shipping time is too slow . It is getting to be a real issue .
LUV ya , MEAN it !
I think the worst part is after 11 days of packaging I cant even cancel the order. I am so frustrated with this whole process. If i order and it says 3-7 business days I expect it by then, otherwise I dont want it.
Well , FIVE orders delivered today! Yhea that rocks! :smileylol:
Basically, none of us can order from HSN for the holiday season and expect items to arrive in time for gift-giving. It’s nice that for a few folks the delays in availability, packaging and shipping have been resolved, but for most of us the problems still remain. Across these boards you will see that most folks are not purchasing from HSN for the holidays for these reasons. For an online retailer of this size, most of us agree that these “issues” should have been resolved long ago, and that communication to customers should have been transparent. Unfortunately, that is not the way it has gone and not suprisingly, HSN doesn’t mind.
There are MANY threads on the forum discussing the issue with shipping that started back in October, around the 10th. At this point, if you choose to order, you doing so knowing there may be a delay as people are still posting about it. I have found that shipping is back to what it once was (4 day from order to arrival at my home). Yes, I was caught up in the nightmare and it took 6 weeks plus to rectify it. Yet, I’m still ordering and some things are taking a week plus but the vast majority have been out the door in 24 hours.
HSN dropped the ball. I doubt we’ll ever hear the REAL story but it has been acknowledged and in the end… buyer beware.
Conversation Info
Posted in Clearance, Special & Coupons
5 Replies
11.23.16 12:50 AM
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