This afternoon and again early evening I had to e-mail customer service concerning a few items still in packaging. I just wanted to give you a heads up that they may be having some issues with this function as I never got beyond the first page. No message following that they would answer within 24 hours, etc. etc.. Needless to say, no note in my e-mail to say that they had received my question. When I mentioned this to customer service she said that it may take a few minutes longer for me to receive notification, but, four hours later, still nothing and still nothing from an earlier inquiry (2pm).
Hi , I checked the email system and did not find a record of your email. I also tested the customer service email from the website and see a new feature now asks you to confirm that you want to send the email. Try sending your email again, and watch for the “Are You Sure?” page and click the yes option. You should then get the follow up message. If you still have a problem after trying this, just let me know.
, I’m checking to see what I can find out and will respond shortly.
I’ve been wondering tat as well.
I have been wondering what happened to Allegra for quite a while now. I wish I knew.
Hi Teresa, I am wondering where she is as well.
Conversation Info
Posted in Customer Service
6 Replies
04.03.16 4:59 AM
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