Why are there little or no "wide" widths in shoes on HSN??
I am watching "REVITALIGN" shoes by Gabby Reece. There no wide widths in her line.
I would love to be able to buy them because every issue with my feet are in her shoes. I was so excited till I saw once again "NO WIDES".
Could you please ask the host and/or Gabby Reece if there is a possibility of wide width shoes?
I among others would be so grateful.
Would like to put my input too, re: Wides & 1/2 Sizes
BEARPAW, TS too! :catsad: Dissapointed I wanted to try them: price & flex is good.
I read a Thread on the BEARPAW’s, good posts.
However, I’m a true 71/2 Wide, going up a size for me = length of front of boot too long. Thick socks doesn’t solve that problem.
I have tried & sizing up doesn’t work.
RE: TS — If I’m not mistaken, shoes/boots Wides & 1/2 sizes are usually offered except some of the high end brands, on occassion I think they offer 1/2 sizes & Wides.
In general shoe/boot Vendors: higher end brands don’t offer Wides & other vendors, as well. I wish Hsn would work with the Vendors & offer both Wides & 1/2 sizes.
Hi , thanks for letting us know what you’d like to see in the REVITALIGN line. I’ve let our merchandisers know you’d like to see this option offered.
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Posted in Shoes
3 Replies
10.29.15 11:18 PM
0 Participants