Windows 95, XP, Vista, 7 – all pretty much ‘the same’ in appearance. More going on under the hood, as they say.
Windows 8? Started freaking people out! Especially people that have never had a tablet or device using a lot of icons –
It is comfortable knowing your Operating System and where everything is and how it works – and suddenly! POOF! no ‘desktop’ and can’t find anything!
Completely different experience to a lot of people. So Microsoft released updates to get people their familiar desktop-look back.
I still prefer the older system, but watch a few videos or just play around if you are computer literate and heavily use things like windows explorer and system information tools and control panel. It IS easy to learn!
Sometimes change is good, sometimes is good to have change……… :womanvery-happy:
I went from Vista and XP to Windows 8/8.1. I don’t know what the big deal is, I guess some people just don’t like change. If you can read and follow directions you shouldn’t have a problem.
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Posted in Toys & Games
3 Replies
06.29.14 10:54 PM
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