PEARLS – PLEASE have ROUND equal size strands
Would love to purchase pearls, my favorite. Why are the multicolor, etc. necklaces made of unequal size. Great price but come on, even K-mart and Target have fake pearl strands with beads the same size. Please, more quality. Thanks. Also, I like petite, 5mm size, not 8mm all of the time, okay?
matching all the pearls costs more with real pearls. I like them too, just a really great strand of pearls matched in corlor, luster and size just isn’t going to cost $50. like they say, you pay for what you get! I have one really nice strand, but wear it much less often
G6, it is midnight for the both us us. I am going to go get some much need rest for a change. I’ll talk to you some time soon.
To all the Clubettes, I say good night, have a good Friday tomorrow and just think, 2 more days of this Monkey Business and on to Pegland.
Night night.
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Posted in Fashion
3 Replies
04.25.14 4:03 AM
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