Jay King – Host Match
I LOVE Jay King and my jewelry collection shows it. I try my best to watch all of his shows and have loved the last three days. I would like to ask HSN to be selective in choosing the hosts for his shows. I understand HSN is in the business of selling – however, Jay King has a following that allows him to sell based on his name alone. Only because of my love for Jay King am I currently watching. We want to hear Jay King and the stories behind each piece of jewelry. Shivan has talked over Jay and cut him off in mid sentence since the show started. I know Lynn was supposed to have the show, but was sick on Friday. Please do not put Shivan with Jay in the future. Two days of Shivan with Jay is too much to handle. She’s rude and obnoxious!
I agree. Shivan’s constant over talking of Jay is inappropriate and extremely rude. I understand she’s trying to move the show forward but she could do it with a bit more class and courtesy not only to Jay but especially to the customer.
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Posted in Jewelry
2 Replies
02.24.14 1:31 AM
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