Wow….Check Prices Everywhere!
, I’m checking with our merchandise team for that information and I’ll let you know what I find out.
Let me apologize for the people or person who has caused you to be such a cold-hearted and cruel individual. Evidently, you are looking for recognition and attention. There! you have it. Perhaps now you can now get back to what this post is about which is congratulating Shannon for her 20 years of great hosting on HSN.
CONGRATULATIONS SHANNON! You are the best! :heart:
It was not a discussion, and I doubt you are sorry.
What’s your point putting this type of comment in this thread? If you want to complain about her write the company.
If you check you will see this thread was not meant to be a discussion. It was meant to be a congratulations for a significant accomplishment. If you want to badmouth someone go start your own thread.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN TV
6 Replies
02.11.17 9:26 PM
0 Participants