I have been a loyal customer and spent a lot of money over the 18-20 years. Recently, in the news, you have decided to become POLITICAL and pull the merchandise off of your shelves that belong to Ivanka Trump. This woman is a talented designer and her clothes, accessories and shoes are some of the BEST quality I’ve ever seen from HSN and elsewhere.
It is hard for me to believe that she would be treated so unfairly by you and other companies because her father is the President of the United States! All of this is a bit overwhelming to me. I made myself a list of 18 of your other suppliers that I’ve purchased from, including Diane Gillman, IMAN, Rhonda Shear among them.
No longer will I be a customer of HSN. My account will be closed, my card cancelled and my balance paid in full. I am sure I can find other companies that don’t stick their political noses into the news media that I can learn to live with. I don’t need a company telling me what I should believe and who I should be buying from.
Just so you know, I do intend to share this on as many social media sites as I can possibly find.
So, I guess you are part of “GrabYourWallet”….. as noted in the “news” I read this:
“At HSN we are non-partisan and our product decisions are based solely on a continual evaluation related to our business,” a spokesperson told BuzzFeed. How does it happen that you announced this the same day as four others? Sounds trashy to me! I am not much of a believer of coincidences.
Firstly, people need to do their own research and not assume that what is reported is accurate as we all know that is not always true. You, yourself, who are complaining about sticking their nose into the political arena are just doing that. Too many type now and think later posts.
Perhaps gator7665 heard an “alternative fact”. 🙂
, please appologize to HSN.
Well, clutch my pearls.
I do believe HSN never carried Ivanka’s line. Nope, they never did.
The OP has been around 18-20 years, but never noticed that Ivanka Trump never appeared on HSN?
and , articles stating that we dropped the Ivanka Trump clothing line were written in error as we never carried that brand here. At HSN we are non-partisan and our product decisions are based solely on a continual evaluation related to our business.
Sharing untruths is the way false information keeps going .
Why not share the truth ? HSN NEVER carried Ivanka Trump’s line .
QVC did carry her line at one time.
Spread the truth :heart:
Well said. Totally agree. Sent HSN an email as well.
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
9 Replies
02.09.17 5:14 PM
0 Participants