Health EXams – all kinds
Well had my eye exam today – this has nothing to do what you can buy on HSN. LOL. At any rate it is always good to come away from any medical exam when the MD says "you are doing good." Felt really good as he said he had never seen anyone my age with eyes in such good shape with nothing projected that may occur down the road – in other word no tendecies for this or that. WOW!!
Now had an exam the other day with my pulmonary guru and the story was opposite – he stressed to me I most definitelyh should be on oxygen. Fought him every step of the way – what can I say. Did agree however, to do a sleep test early next week – something about bringing home some gadget that I wear for one night – do not have to leave home. Promiseed him if there was a problem with that test I would use oxygen at NIGHT only. I have a large piece of land – for me that is, over an acre, live in hotter than hot and drought ridden Sou Cal, I have to go outside and try and take care of things. Could not carry around an oxygen tank. We shall see.
So I have one this way and one that way. Could be worse.
Hope all have a great day!! In case some of you think who the heck is this person I was a regular and eager poster man years back – have been at the Q for some years now and that place is miserable. Again, hope all will have or had a super good day.:smileylol::catlol:
Hi Wini, Welcome back! My sister and husband had to have a sleep study and they spent 2 nights at the sleep clinic. Good to hear about bringing the gadget home and you can sleep in your own bed. I know my sister would have preferred doing the test at home. I hope everything works out and I like your attitude. Seems like you’re handling this well :smileyhappy:
Hi Wini! Congratulations on your great eye exam…you are so right…it’s so nice to hear that something is going well healthwise. I’m sorry your insurance doesn’t cover a small oxygen tank…maybe if your doctor’s office called them…
Trekky, never thought about asking how much the co-pay. Shame on me but will follow your advice. Thanks.I should have done the spell check, mercy me.
Hi to you also Tamrick.
Wini,Welcome back.
I fought oxygen also but once you realize how much better you breathe with oxygen, it’s easier to say OK.
I never did have the sleep study done…be sure to check with your insurance how much you will have to pay. And if the home test does not do good enough (my sister had it done, paid $200 copay and still DR wanted her to get it done in hospital)
The insurance I had at the time was a 20% copay…checked with 2 diff hospitals and they charge $5000-$10,000. No way was I going to have it done. The DR finally relented and let me off the hook from getting that test. All the rest of the tests showed I have COPD. I am on oxygen 24/7 now. Except when I take my doggie outside…it is too difficult due to the big tanks my insurance covers.
Anyway what I’m really saying is: Check with your insurance and hospitals to see how much it will cost you. Sometimes doctors don’t know what the cost is. And see what kind of oxygen your insurance will cover..what type of tanks etc.
Good luck to you.
Hi Wini- glad to see you post, welcome back! Glad to hear you had an excellent eye exam, now lets cross fingers sleep test will come out fine. Happy 4th of July to you & look forward to reading your posts
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Posted in Health & Wellness
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07.03.15 1:41 AM
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