Singer Sewing Machine.
Wow-what a beautiful sewing machine-Special Edition.
That would be one GREAT thing to win in the acrade.
Think HSN would do it?
I’m addicted to purchasing huggable hangers,got TSV in red
Would love to see this as a prize you could win. I ordered it and then canceled it. I really wanted it and I need a sewing machine but I also want a machine that embroiders as well. I figured I will just save my money until I can afford to get one that does both. I know I am going to regret not getting it. It seemed simple to use and had all those extra features and feet. The ones that embroidery’s looks complicated.
That’s OK I know that you will use it
I really wanted it too. So I forced myself to not watch the shows. That way I was not so tempted. -
I fell off the wagon…….
I ORDERED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! (and I can’t cuss on here! LOLOL)
Can the tsv machine embroider? I don’t have a sewing machine and don’t know how to sew but thought I would be interested in making throw pillows and mongraming bows, do you think this machine can do this? Thanks for your imput 🙂
i really want this machine………not need….want!
He he he Cindy I graduated just a year after you. I sewed a 3 piece pinstripe suit for my senior year home ec project.
If this was in the arcade I would max out the entries in a flash. What a super fantastic design, love the silver color ..its my dream machine.
Best singer show is Darlene Cahill and Bill Green. Thanks Bill for letting Darlene show us the machine features. Other host talk too much and don’t let Darlene show us the machine features like you do.
Did anyone catch the weight of this machine?
I wish my serger was that pretty because I have yet to figure out how to use it so it’s apparently just for decorative purposes.
I would go in on it if they put it in the rewards store in a heart beat…but I wouldn’t win it. LOL It’s gorgeous. Love the color…the shape…everything! IT IS a beauty!!!!
I sound like I’m talking about a car……….:smileyvery-happy:
It sure would be nice if they did! What a beauty…
Conversation Info
Posted in Crafts & Sewing
14 Replies
09.06.14 8:36 AM
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