Would love to see more Wide Width shoes!
I shop for so many things on HSN but would love to see more shoes in Wide Width. Plus sized fashions are plentiful, and stylish, but it’s difficult to find many shoes in a Wide Width. Shoes are the 1 purchase I cannot make on HSN. :smileysad:
Joan Boyce carries wide widths and big sizes. I have a humongous foot from wearing Yellow Box flip flops so much. My feet spread and I can’t buy shoes in regular stores any more. I think Joan’s shoes go up to 12s and in wide widths.
There’s very few shoes I can buy here due to no wides. Open heel and/or open toe are usually okay. A select few get to have wide width, same with Tall sizes. I’m want some MarlaWynne pants and think they could do at least two styles of her best sellers in Tall.
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Posted in Shoes
3 Replies
03.01.16 4:00 PM
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